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Encarna Domínguez

Dr. Encarna Domínguez Ballesteros studied Medicine with the conviction that she could combine humanistic and scientific knowledge in her profession and therefore, upon finishing her degree, she decided to specialize in Neurology. After practicing for several years as a Neurologist and coordinating neurocognition programs in childhood, motivated by the spirit of a comprehensive understanding of the human mind, she decided to complete her training with a new specialty for subspecialization in childhood and adolescence: Psychiatry.

Encarna Dóminguez Psiquiatra y Neurologa

Dr. Encarna Domínguez was born and raised in a small town in Extremadura. She was the daughter of a lawyer father who emigrated to Paris when she was young to study at the Sorbonne University and a mother who was a child education teacher who toured Spain in various places until settling in Extremadura. From a very young age, therefore, her interest in learning new languages and being in contact with different cultures, as well as her dedication and love for childhood, formed a close part of her development.

During her training as a Neurologist and Psychiatrist, Dr Encarna Domínguez completed stays in various Spanish reference hospitals (H.Virgen Rocío in Seville, H.Clinic in Barcelona, H.Gregorio Marañón in Madrid) as well as several university master’s degrees (Psychopharmacology and Cognitive Neuroscience from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, Autism Spectrum Disorders and Early Care from the University of Zaragoza) He completed training in systemic psychiatry and family therapy, psychoanalysis and group psychotherapy. She also participated in various publications in national and international magazines as well as presentations in courses and conferences of both specialties.

In 2014, she was awarded by the University of Seville with a research training scholarship at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience of King’s College (London). After completing her scholarship, she decided to enrich her professional and personal experience with the process of practicing psychiatry in a multicultural and diverse environment working in a second language, for which he chose the city of London. There she learned first-hand about the emigration process and the difficulties it entails, she became familiar with the diversities of multicultural families and understood the emotional and cognitive complexity of adapting to life in other countries. All of this has enriched him as a therapist, broadening his perspective in the practice of psychiatry to always see beyond the obvious, thus making his approaches comprehensive and from a holistic vision of children and adolescents in the social, emotional, family and biological spheres.

In London she carried out various jobs related to research and child neuropsychiatry between 2014 and 2018. For a year she worked with Specialty Doctor at South West and St George’s NHS Mental Health Trust, more specifically in a hospitalization unit for children and adolescents of national reference. Her last stage in London was as a Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist at the Royal Free Hospital Foundation Trust, being part of a team specializing in neurodevelopmental disorders and complex cases. At this stage she completed specific autism training at the University of Oxford and assisted more than 50 families with especially complex cultural, social and adaptive needs.

Her return to Spain in 2018 once again involved a process of readjustment and resilience. Since then he has worked in various public and private health sectors, integrating the knowledge that both specialties (Neurology and Psychiatry) provide him with his extensive experience with children and adolescents, his training in hospital and out-of-hospital settings and his knowledge of the Anglo-Saxon work methodology. and Spanish.

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