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Encarna Dóminguez - Psiquiatra y Neuróloga

The Headache. How Neuropsychiatry can help in your treatment

We live in a world full of stimuli. Our daily lives are often subject to a multitude of stressors, demands and demands that frequently lead to the feeling of not achieving everything, feeling overwhelmed or overwhelmed by the burden of multitasking, hyperproductivity or measuring our worth exclusively from hyperefficiency. In the midst of this maelstrom, symptoms that can scare us, such as headaches, tremors or difficulties sleeping, may appear and we wonder what is happening to us. When consulting a professional we may find ourselves in the position where everything is attributed to anxiety and the reality that our symptoms exist is minimized.

In summary we can say that this occurs because the boundaries that differentiate psychiatry from neurology have conceived that diseases must belong to one field or another, but really, this is nothing more than an agreement of modern science to categorize diseases and compartmentalize the medicine since our nervous system is unique.

“Visiting a neuropsychiatrist can help you simplify your diagnosis, minimize the consequences of your treatment, and make sense of symptoms that may have overwhelmed you and been labeled anxiety for many years.”

This division could be summarized in that those pathologies evident through diagnostic tests fall on the side of neurology (such as epilepsy) while those in which this evidence is not available are classified as psychiatric (for example bipolar disorder). However, using these same examples, it is worth reflecting on the high number of epileptic patients who present psychiatric manifestations (such as anxiety or depression) .). Likewise, the response of bipolar disorder to antiepileptic drugs illustrates how fine the imaginary line we have drawn between neurology and psychiatry is. In real practice, we find that these artificial borders are often diluted and most of the disorders we see present a mixture more typical of the complexity of our brains than the simplicity of manuals.

“That is why professionals trained in both fields are needed and who can evaluate, combine and treat both types of symptoms”

An example of this is tension headache, which is characterized by frequent and repeated headaches associated with a state of continuous muscle tension in response to stress. In fact, this entity is treated with antidepressant and anxiolytic drugs, but at the same time it requires neurological tests and examinations to rule out other alterations in our nervous system. Patients with tension headaches often find themselves treated for their headache by a neurologist who ignores the emotional component and having to go to a psychiatrist or psychologist to treat their anxiety…or worse: not treating it.

This is why is important to have professionals trained in both fields, who can evaluate, combine and treat both types of symptoms. Neuropsychiatry as a subspecialty exists in many European countries (for example, the United Kingdom) and has shown that this simplifies the lives of patients since it avoids duplication of appointments, improves their quality of life and simplifies treatments.

At Tranquilamente we are very lucky to have Dr. Encarna Domínguez Ballesteros working with us. She has completed both medical specialties and practiced as a Neurologist, Psychiatrist and Neuropsychiatrist in the United Kingdom. 

Visiting a neuropsychiatrist can help you simplify your diagnosis, minimize the consequences of your treatment, and make sense of symptoms that may have overwhelmed you and been labeled anxiety for many years. Also to delve into the reasons for the symptoms and look for alternatives from a broader vision focused on your needs.

Doctor Encarna Domínguez is a Psychiatrist, Neurologist and works at Tranquilamente Psiquiatría y Psicotarapia.