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Leticia Muñoz

Life is a path where sometimes you go through difficult times. My purpose is to make, with an integrative model,  both conventional psychiatry and complementary natural medicine available to the patient to develop their resilience and alleviate their discomfort and suffering.

Leticia Muñoz García – Largo is a medical doctor, adult psychiatrist and forensic psychiatrist, criminologist, naturopath, psychoneuroimmunologist (PNIE), psychotherapist and yoga and meditation instructor.

In addition to his long professional experience in conventional psychiatry, she also applies hes training and life experience in the field of psychotherapy, nutrition, nutritional supplementation, herbal medicine, yoga, mindfulness, meditation and holistic therapies..

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During her training, Dr. Leticia Muñoz has specialized in Forensic Psychiatry in the United Kingdom (Wales), also completing a degree in Criminology and two master’s degrees in Legal and Forensic Psychiatry. 

In her professional career she has worked as a psychiatrist in Psychiatric Hospitalization Units and Community Mental Health Units in several hospitals of the public health system in Córdoba, Seville and Toledo. Leticia has also worked for more than eight years as a forensic psychiatrist at the Parc Sanitari San Joan de Dèu in Barcelona, carrying out evaluations, diagnoses and medical and psychotherapeutic treatment to patients in prisons, with forensic psychiatric advice in Criminal Courts. In this area she developed her doctoral thesis on the difficulties of people with intellectual disabilities in prison. Subsequently, she has carried out several years of professional activity providing psychiatric and psychotherapeutic support to patients with spinal cord injuries at the National Hospital for Paraplegics and has worked as a psychiatrist specialist in therapeutic fasting at the Zuhaizpe Vital Health Center, applying an integrative approach from hygienist medicine. anthroposophical and sparagyric.

One of the most important aspects in the therapeutic process is the relationship and connection established between the therapist and the person who comes for consultation. I believe that part of therapeutic change is found in creating a safe relationship. Therefore, I will try to accompany you by creating the warmest and safest space for you, where you can feel free to express what you want, always with respect, empathy and acceptance.

Despite having specialization in systemic therapy and EMDR, I consider it essential to adapt the therapy to each person. Because each process is different, and each person is unique. Therefore, the intervention will become a team effort in which, after having listened carefully to everything that worries you and makes you uncomfortable, we will jointly define the objectives to pursue.

My work focus mainly follows two lines. On the one hand, we will work on the current problems in order to achieve stability in the present, through learning different resources and skills. And, on the other hand, we will investigate and try to understand the causes or reasons that have led to the current situation, since for me it is essential to “realize” and understand in order to heal.

All this, always respecting the needs and rhythms of each person.

Psychiatrist Leticia Muñoz is specialized in the following treatments

Diagnóstico y Tratamiento de la Depresión

Contamos con kits de EMDR de última generación

Diagnóstico y Tratamiento de los Trastornos de Alimentación

Diagnóstico y Tratamiento del Estrés Post Traumático

Terapias con Caja de Arena (SandPlay)

Diagnóstico y Tratamiento del Trastornos del Sueño

Diagnóstico y Tratamiento de la Ansiedad

Psicología Terapia Perinatal

Doctor Leticial Muñoz Education

Licenciada en Medicina

Licenciada en Medicina por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

PhD in Medicine

Phd in MedicineSobresaliente Cum Laude from UIC Barcelona, International University<

Specialized in Psyquiatry

Specialist in Psychiatry via MIR Hospital Reina Sofía de Córdoba.

Additional Therapies


Experience in Psychiatry

La Dra. Leticia Muñoz tiene una amplia experiencia como psiquiatra, destacando su formación en Psicoterapia y terapias innovadoras como EMDR.

Academic Training

·      Licenciada en Medicina. Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

·      Médica Especialista en Psiquiatría. Hospital Reina Sofía de Córdoba.

·      Licenciada en Criminología. Universidad de Alicante.

·      Máster en Naturopatía.

·      Experto Universitario en Psiconeuroinmunología (PNIE).

·      Máster Universitario en Ciencias Forenses y Derecho Sanitario.

·      Máster Universitario en Psiquiatría Legal.

·      Especialista Universitario en Psiquiatría Forense.

·      Mindfulness y autocompasión. Programa MSC.

·      Practitioner en Programación Neurolinguística (PNL).

·      Training en EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing).

·      EMDR en contexto de emergencia.

·      Formación en Salud Integral y Ciclicidad Femenina.

·      Especialista en Ayunos Terapéuticos.

·      Codependencia e Integración de niño interior.

·      Terapia Breve Estratégica.

Professional Experience

·      Psiquiatra integrativa en Centro de salud Vital Zuhaizpe. Medicina Higienista, Antroposófica y Esparagírica. (1 año)

·      Psiquiatra en Unidad de Hospitalización Psiquiátrica. Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de Toledo. Servicio de Salud de Castilla la Mancha (SESCAM) .(1 año)

·      Psiquiatra en Unidad de Salud Mental. Hospital de Parapléjicos de Toledo. Servicio de Salud de Castilla la Mancha (SESCAM). (2 años).

·      Psiquiatra Forense en Unidad de Hospitalización Psiquiátrica Penitenciaria. Parc Sanitari Sant Joan de Dèu de Barcelona (PSSJD). (8 años).

·      Psiquiatra en Unidad de Hospitalización Psiquiátrica y Centro de Salud Mental. Hospital Virgen Macarena de Sevilla. Servicio Andaluz de Salud (SAS). (2 años).


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